
Online Submissions

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Author Guidelines

The editor of Analisis Sejarah welcomes article submissions in accordance with the following guidelines:

1. Articles have not been published or accepted for publication, or are being considered for publication elsewhere. In addition to the manuscript, a written statement should be attached which clarifies that the article is original and does not contain any elements of plagiarism.

2. Articles are written preferably in Indonesian and English using academic language along with standard academic writing structure and composition. Manuscripts are typed in Microsoft Word (*.doc/*.docx/*.rtf formats are acceptable, meanwhile *.pdf format is not acceptable), A4 paper size with default narrow margin, 11 pt of Calibri font, 1 pt of line spacing, and between 3000-7000 words in length including references, pictures, and tables.

3. Articles should be in the form of an essay which includes:

The abstract and keywords must be written in Indonesian or English between 120-150 words in length.

The introduction contains (in sequence) a general background, a state-of-the-art review, a statement of scientific novelty, and the problems. At the end of the introduction should be written the purpose of the article. For scientific purposes, there is no bibliographical that must be written here. It is manifested in the form of the state-of-the-art of art to show the scientific novelty of the study.

The method can be written as independent sub-chapters if the article becomes the research result. This section is expected to expose sources that have been used. In the meantime, the method also can be included in the introduction section if the article is written using literature studies or reflective works.

Results and Discussion
Results and discussion can be presented with a title that corresponds to the problem topic. The presentation of research results is accompanied by tables, graphs, photos, tables, or other forms. Subtitles that describe the results of the research are written by following some principles as follows.
1. Written in a chronological and systematic that is described from beginning to end.
2. The facts are arranged systematically on the basis of causal (causal), the facts of events (processes), and facts as a result. A process usually has multi causality or conditions that create a situation for the occurrence of events.

The conclusion illustrates the problem that has been formulated. The conclusion is not repetitive, but rather a summary of the findings of the problems.

The record contains an explanation of the source that can not be included in the sidenote. In addition, this section also contains additional annotations from the content section.

All references referred to in the article text must be registered in the References section and must be written in APA Sixth Edition style. The reference should contain sources, both primary and secondary sources. For referral purposes, the editor recommended to the author for using a reference management application program such as Mendeley, EndNote or Zotero, or others.

4. The citation is required to write down for the reference section. The citation is written in Bodynote and in APA Sixth Edition style. The text by means of the last of the author's name, year, and page number (i.e. Smelser, 1962, p. 22). Notes (Endnotes) are allowed to be written in annotations on archives and captions that may not be accommodated in the text.

An article or book with more than one author should be written with (&) punctuation (Johnson & Laura, 2009, p. 10), and two authors then it should be written by the first author's name followed by "et al." All referenced in the text must be registered in the reference section, and vice versa, all written in the references should be referred to in the text (Ritzer, et al., 2008, p. 110).

5. The reference list format is according to the American Psychological Association (APA) Sixth Edition style. The reference list should appear at the end of the article and includes only literature actually cited in the manuscripts. References are ordered alphabetically and chronologically. We strongly recommend authors to use reference tools, such as Mendeley, etc. Herewith are some of the APA-based references format structures:

  • Printed book: Author, A.A. (Year of Publication). Title of work. Publisher City, State: Publisher.
  • Online book: Author, A.A. (Year of Publication). Title of work [E-Reader Version]. Retrieved from http://xxxx or DOI: xxxx
  • Journal article in print: Author, A.A. (Publication Year). Article title. Periodical TitleVolume (Issue), pp.-pp.
  • Journal article online: Author, A.A. (Publication Year). Article title. Periodical TitleVolume (Issue), pp.-pp. DOI: xx.xxxx or Retrieved from journal URL.
  • Website article: Author, A.A. (Date of Publication). Article title. Retrieved from URL; Article title. (Date of Publication). Retrieved from URL. For the article from the website that does not provide author, please directly use this format: Retrieve URL, Date of Retrieved.
  • Newspaper in print: "Article Title". Newspaper Title, pp. xx-xx.
  • Newspaper online: "Article Title". Newspaper Title, Retrieved from newspaper homepage URL.
  • Magazine article in print: Author, A.A. (Date of Publication). "Article Title". Magazine, pp.-pp.
  • Encyclopedia: Author, A.A. (Publication Year). Entry Title. In Encyclopedia Title. City, State of publication: Publisher.
  • Archive: please use Publication Title, No, Date of Issued.

7. The editor appreciates if authors excerpt information from previously published articles in Analisis Sejarah.

8. Articles should be submitted in soft files using Microsoft Word application to the Online Submission page.

9. Manuscripts to be published must meet the requirements and eligibility through stages that have been determined by the editor, namely: an examination of articles entered by the editor, correspondence between editors and writers, review of articles by reviewers, editing by editors, and publication of articles.

10. Manuscripts that are rejected will be returned to the author with written notice from the editor.

11. During the process of sending the manuscript to publication, the author will receive a statement that has been sent the manuscript, a form letter of willingness to publish the manuscript, and a letter of receipt that has paid the cost of publication.

12. The author may download the article template here.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  2. The submission file is in Microsoft Word (*.docx) document file format. The submission file is in accordance with the template provided. The text is single-spaced; uses 11-point font of Calibri; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.

  3. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guideline, which is found in About the Journal. If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

  4. The author is willing to include a mobile number (WhatsApp if available) and confirms to Editor via WhatsApp.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.